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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

When Do You Need A Personal Injury Lawyer?

When should I get a lawyer after an accident? Should I just let it slip and forget about it? These are some of the questions accident victims ask after they’re involved in an accident.
While some situations may be difficult, there’re some which may be in your best interest to already have a LegalShield legal plan. With a legal plan membership, a personal injury attorney from your LegalShield Provider Law Firm will be made available to the member, to assist and counsel them. Our provider law firm's attorneys have an average of twenty-two years experience. Also, as a LegalShield member, the accident victims do not have to try to find a personal inquiry lawyer.
  • When the Accident Resulted in Injuries If the accident results in you ending up in a hospital with serious injuries, it’s advisable to call a LegalShield Provider Law Firm personal injury lawyer. Medical care is expensive and chances are they may drain you financially. Furthermore, the accident may require lifetime medical support.
    To make matters worse, your insurance company may try to avoid covering the costs due to the high costs involved. With an attorney on your side, you have a shot at filing claims or your injuries.
  • If the Accident Results in Loss of Income If the accident results in a serious injury, you may have to stay in hospital before you can recover. In addition, you may have to rest for a while before you can get back to work. This results in a loss of income and you have the right to sue for loss of income.
    Furthermore, the injuries may result in a lifestyle change, thus hindering your usual day-to-day activities. This includes renovating your vehicle and car to allow you to move around with ease.
    Hiring an experienced attorney from LegalShield's Provider Law firm ensures all these factors are considered when settling with your insurance company.
  • If You face Emotional Pain and Suffering Almost all accidents result in emotional trauma. Sometimes it’s serious, especially in children if they suffered serious injuries. In fact, in some cases, the emotional trauma is more detrimental than physical pain since it can haunt you for years on end if you don’t seek professional help.
    Other forms of emotional pain include loss of companionship. This often affects married partners or fiancés when one of the dies in the accident.
  • If the Insurance Company Fails to Comply Insurance companies are in business to earn money. If you file a claim, it means money out of their pockets and that isn’t good for business. Therefore, they’ll do everything in their power to avoid paying up.
    Sometimes, they claim to “forget” certain aspects of their policies. This may either lead to shortchanging their clients or not paying up at all.
  • Conflicting Reports from Various Institutions The police may come up with their own report which conflicts with your When should I get a lawyer after an accident? Should I just let it slip and forget about it? These are some of the questions accident victims ask after they’re involved in an accident.
    While some situations may be difficult, there’re some which may be in your best interest, such as to already have a LegalShield legal plan. With a legal plan membership, a personal injury attorney from your LegalShield Provider Law Firm will be made available to the member, to assist and counsel you. Our provider law firm's attorneys have an average of twenty-two years experience. Also, as a LegalShield member, the accident victims do not have to try to find a personal inquiry lawyer.
The Bottom Line
If you’re ever involved in an accident, the first and most important step to take is to seek medical attention, however if you are able, always try to take as many photos of the accident as possible. This is regardless of the type of accident.
After stabilizing your injuries, the next step is to seek an attorney to craft a way forward. Remember, your insurance company doesn’t have your best interests at heart and will do anything including using underhand tactics to deny your payment. As a member of LegalShield, your provider law firm will be there to assist you and look out for your interest.

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